This was a story we were already working on, but since Alexis actually confirmed it on the show I felt like we show go ahead and run with it. We have a source that was in the same circle of friends as Jim Bellino and Peggy Tyler (Peggy Tanous’ modeling name – see more on that here and here) who says they began dating in 1996 and continued through 1997 before Jim dumped her.
So that means Slade Smiley isn’t the only member of the Multi-OC Club! This sheds a whole new light on the tensions developing between Alexis and Peggy this season!
We’re working on getting more info – and if we do we’ll either update this post or add a new post and add a link below. (If you know anything more about Jim and Peggy’s time together feel free to drop us a line at starcasmtips (at)!
(Just in case you were wondering, YES the picture was Photoshopped. It is a photo of Jim Bellino from 2010 and Peggy Tanous as Peggy Tyler when she modeled for Bench Warmer pin-up trading cards in 2002.)
Credit: Starcasm (Asa Hawks)