From the time I was a child until I left for the USA I would received some Lily of the Valley on the 1st of May. My father would give “un brin de muguet” a sprig of lily of the valley, to my mother and me and all the women who happened to be nearby.

This was always “good luck” for the rest of the year. On that day florists sell lily of the valley in their shops and it is also sold in kiosks everywhere. It is sold on the 1st of May in the streets in Paris. If my grandfather would visit us that day, he would bring us some lily of the valley too.

I was surprised that this was not a custom in this country and a little sad as the little white bells are so delicate, fragrant and the meaning is sweet.

I tried to find when this French custom started and this is what I found: the Celts believed that the lily of the valley flower was lucky. During the middle Ages the month of May was the month of betrothal and lily of the valley was placed on the door of the loved one. Then back in 1561 on May 1st to be exact King Charles IX of France was presented with a bunch of lily of the valley flowers as a token of luck and prosperity for the coming year. We do not know who gave him these flowers but the King thought this was a “capital” idea and gave some of the lily of the valley to the ladies of his court. Then he repeated it every May 1st. The tradition was born.
French Vintage postcard Porte Bonheur (Good Luck)
I think lily of the valley is a charming and dainty flower. I also like the fragrance and have several bottles of perfume scented with lily of the valley.This custom has survived and men still give lily of the valley in France to their family members and close friends to wish them good luck and happiness for the year ahead.

I read that for a long time balls were organized and called “bals du muguet” (lily of the valley dances.) It was a dance where parents were not allowed. Ladies would wear white and young men wore a lily of the valley on their lapels.

I read that for a long time balls were organized and called “bals du muguet” (lily of the valley dances.) It was a dance where parents were not allowed. Ladies would wear white and young men wore a lily of the valley on their lapels.

Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) comes from Asia – I think Japan. It has been used for medicinal purposes - to strengthen memory and restore speech. Even though they look so pretty and innocent, all parts of the plant are considered poisonous.
In France selling lily of the valley on the 1st of May is big business and millions of the flowers are sold.
I took this picture at the Swan House Gardens in Buckhead, Atlanta.
There is an old French song that is about the lily of the valley on a Russian melody.Le Temps du Muguet
Il est revenu, le temps du muguet
Comme un vieil ami retrouvé
Il est revenu flâner le long des quais
Jusqu'au banc où je t'attendais
Et j'ai vu refleurir
L'éclat de ton sourire
Aujourd'hui plus beau que jamais
Le temps du muguet ne dure jamais
Plus longtemps que le mois de mai
Quand tous ses bouquets déjà seront fanés
Pour nous deux rien n'aura changé
Aussi belle qu'avant
Notre chanson d'amour
Chantera comme au premier jour
Il s'en est allé, le temps du muguet
Comme un vieil ami fatigué
Pour toute une année, pour se faire oublier
En partant il nous a laissé
Un peu de son printemps
Un peu de ses vingt ans
Pour s'aimer, pour s'aimer longtemps
- Francis Lemarque french singer 1917-2002

Il est revenu, le temps du muguet
Comme un vieil ami retrouvé
Il est revenu flâner le long des quais
Jusqu'au banc où je t'attendais
Et j'ai vu refleurir
L'éclat de ton sourire
Aujourd'hui plus beau que jamais
Le temps du muguet ne dure jamais
Plus longtemps que le mois de mai
Quand tous ses bouquets déjà seront fanés
Pour nous deux rien n'aura changé
Aussi belle qu'avant
Notre chanson d'amour
Chantera comme au premier jour
Il s'en est allé, le temps du muguet
Comme un vieil ami fatigué
Pour toute une année, pour se faire oublier
En partant il nous a laissé
Un peu de son printemps
Un peu de ses vingt ans
Pour s'aimer, pour s'aimer longtemps
- Francis Lemarque french singer 1917-2002

Painting by Yuri Grachev, Russian, contemporary
Here is the 1959 song by Francis Lemarque -
Lily of the Valley Time
It came back, the time of the “Muguet” (lily of the valley)
As an old friend found again
It came strolling along the docks
To the bench where I waited for you
And I saw re-bloom
The brightness of your smile
Today more beautiful than ever
Muguet time does not last
Any longer than the month of May
When all the bouquets will have faded
For us nothing will have changed
As beautiful as ever
Our love song
Will sing like on the first day
It is gone muguet time
Like a tired old friend
For a whole year, to be forgotten
But when he left he gave us
A bit of spring
A bit of its youth
So we can love
We can love for a long time.
I am sending this vintage lily of the valley postcard, virtually, to all my blogging friends, to bring you happiness and good luck for the rest of the year.It came back, the time of the “Muguet” (lily of the valley)
As an old friend found again
It came strolling along the docks
To the bench where I waited for you
And I saw re-bloom
The brightness of your smile
Today more beautiful than ever
Muguet time does not last
Any longer than the month of May
When all the bouquets will have faded
For us nothing will have changed
As beautiful as ever
Our love song
Will sing like on the first day
It is gone muguet time
Like a tired old friend
For a whole year, to be forgotten
But when he left he gave us
A bit of spring
A bit of its youth
So we can love
We can love for a long time.

Note: Blogger Break - Post pre-programmed –