Celebuzz chatted with the 34-year-old reality star turned fashion designer about everything from how she deals with negativity in the press, growing a “thick skin” during her second season of the Bravo show and the current relationship standings with all the other housewives:
The Royal Wedding is coming up – are you preparing anything or doing anything fun?
I’m not preparing anything, but I’m really excited about it. I’m going to drag my husband to watch it. [laughs]
What are you most excited about for the wedding?
I love everything about it. It’s so formal and elegant, and I love seeing the parade. I love the different presentations for it. I can’t wait to see her dress. It’s just all so exciting!
You’ve been on the show now for a couple of years. It what ways has your life changed since starting the show?
It’s changed a lot in the fact that when I first came on the show I was kind of naïve and thought I was going to be friends with everybody. After a season of seeing everyone’s true colors and seeing how reality television works, it put a bit of a twist for the second year. You second guess yourself more because you think about how other people will perceive it. I’ve also just decided that I need to take more risks. I was very timid and scared to be confrontational during the first year. I was worried about what America would think, but I realized people are going to have different opinions.
What is your relationship with the rest of the housewives like right now?
It’s sad because I thought with Peggy coming on we would be able to survive and get back to the friendship. We’re not really on good terms as of right now, but I’m still hopeful that something might change or that we can have a discussion and start over. I miss my friend. With Tamra, I’m just shocked at what comes out of her mouth. I was hopeful that Vicki and I could start again, but I’m hurt. I hope we can put the past behind us.
How do you deal with the negativity in the press?
I don’t even read what is in the press. I stay out of it because I know that no matter what, people are going to say negative things. If someone tells me they read something, I’m hurt at first, but I think my skin is a lot thicker this year.
Credit: Celebuzz (Amanda Hasaka)