CBS: Tell us about your role on Real Housewives of Orange County. What can we expect from you on the show?
PT: "I'm a wife and stay-at-home mother of two, so I guess you can say I'm an actual housewife! Before my babies, I was a full time TV host, spokesperson and model. You can expect to see me this season with my family a lot and getting back into my work. You will also see Tamra and I becoming great friends."
CBS: You struggle with postpartum depression. Please tell us your experiences with PPD. How do you get through each day? What seems to help?
PT: "I had PPD really bad after I had my first daughter London, but didn't realize I had it and was in denial. Then my husband and his mother did an intervention. I started taking a natural supplement called SAMe that really helped. I knew I wanted two kids, but was afraid to have another one. We decided to try and figured it might take awhile. I got pregnant right away, but luckily was able to take the natural remedies throughout the pregnancy. I still had bad days, but when Capri was born it was a totally different feeling. I wasn't scared or fearful, rather happy and nurturing.
Talking about it helps and exercise also really helps. I try to take a lot of walks. I wanted to be open about my PPD on the show, as this show is centered mostly around drama and if I'm able to help people with what I dealt with I feel it makes it all worth it."
CBS: What are some of your favorite mommy memories?
PG: "Of course all the milestones are up there with favorites; like first crawl, step, word, etc. But I also love the snuggling into me, holding my hand or each other's hands while walking, telling me they love me, talking to me on the phone when I'm not home and really just everything. Right now Capri is starting to talk a lot, so it's so exciting hearing her multiple sentences and they way she says certain words."
CBS: Are you hoping your daughters will enter modeling like you did?
PT: "I would love my girls to do some modeling while they are young to have some fun and put some money away for a car, college and traveling. I saw the world all through modeling and met incredible people. But I only want them to do it if they want to. I would never push it on them. I want them to be normal kids and modeling can be a side gig. Time will tell."
Credit: Celebrity Baby Scoop (Jenny Shafer)